Minerals Assaying
OMLI adheres to a prescribed standard of excellence for analysis of worldwide acceptability, maintaining a Quality Management System in conformance to strict guidelines of ISO 17025 and is equipped to provide fast turnaround times coupled with state of the art versatility for prompt transmission of assay results.
Precious Metals Assaying
The classic lead collection method by Fire Assaying is undisputedly the choice for centuries, and OMLI combines its time-tested skills in the service and handling capability of up to 3,000 sample per month.
Mineral, geochemical, geological Assaying
OMLI can service in large colume multivariety analyses for any sample type, or single element analysis, including the sequential analysis of elements sharing common digestion characteristics, typical of samples in the exploration milieu. It is also capable of addressing varying sample tenor from the highly concentrated down to trace amounts, with a reliability of 95% or better.
- Inductively Coupled Plasma – Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES)
- Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS)
- AAS-Hydride generator Analyzer
- X-ray Fluorescense Spectrophotometer (XRF)
- Ultra-violet Visible Spectrophotometer (UV-VIS)